Want Milk?

I’m sure we all grew up with a similar concept of milk. That it is good for you, that it helps build strong bones and teeth. Maybe your mom sang you the nursery rhyme, which tells us “chickens give us eggs, cows give us milk” (the operative word being GIVE!) If so, then hopefully after reading this, you will have a more realistic view of the dairy industry, and you will not lend credence to myths of milk that we have been brainwashed with. If you were lucky enough to grow up in a vegan home, I am terribly envious.

When we emerge after 9 months in our mom’s womb, the first thing we want is milk. But did you ever stop to think of the sweet little calf who has also been in the safe confines of his mom’s womb for 9 months? What do you think he wants to drink? His moms milk of course. But just 24 hours after his birth, he is yanked away from the warmth of his mom’s bosom and her milk is collected so that it can undergo numerous chemical processes, be bottled and shipped off to your Whole Foods, Woolworths, Walmart, Tesco or Pick n Pay. Cows are affectionate and family oriented animals, and the mom will mourn for her young for days. She becomes extremely anxious, and often goes in search of her baby, crashing through fences and gates, just as I am sure my mother would have done for me. Her ordeal at being separated from her new born does not last long, as it is followed by further trauma. Soon, she is raped once again, and will endure the entire process again. This is the only way to ensure she keeps producing milk; it is not just a free flowing oasis from her udders.

Cows and humans are more alike than you might want to allow yourself to believe. And no person in the world can deny that we TAKE her milk. She does not come bounding up to you, begging to be milked, so her baby can starve. She is not being relieved of a burden. Whether you are purchasing milk from supposedly happy cows who are allowed to roam, or from a so-called humane farm – I’m scoffing in disbelief as I type that –the cycle of torture is the same. Don’t delude yourself or your children any longer.

What becomes of the calf that was born? Well, since it was a male calf in our story, he will suffer a far worse fate than most vegetarians would like to believe. This calf will live out his short life in a small stall, chained at the leg, the only memory keeping him going is the thought that he might one day get to nuzzle at the bosom of his beautiful mommy one day. Sadly, this will not be. At 24 weeks, he will be slaughtered and sold as veal. That’s it – another precious life, gone, in an instant. The female will suffer the same fate as her mother, whose body will be beaten, bruised and tired come her 6th or 7th birthday, and she will be slaughtered and sold as ground beef. And the cycle of torture continues.

If, for some bizarre reason, the unnecessary violence depicted above does not lead you to rethink your consumption of dairy, let’s explore the reasons you do drink it. Your parents, doctors and teachers said you need it because it provides you with calcium to grow strong bones and teeth. WRONG. Milk does contain calcium, and we do need it, but studies have shown that humans barely absorb the calcium you take in from drinking cow’s milk because the calcium that we ingest is used to neutralize the acidifying effect on the body of the milk you have just drank. Calcium is stored in the bones, and once it has left the bones to assist your body to counter the effect of the intake of dairy, it does not return back to the bones, but leaves in your urine. So in drinking milk, to grow strong bones, you have actually left your body with a calcium deficit. This is what leads to osteoporosis, arthritis and leaves you at a higher risk for hip fractures in your old age.

With the fear of cancer gripping our world, we should take into account that studies have linked casein (found in cow’s milk) to cancer causing agents. Evidence has also been put forward to suggest that feeding cow’s milk to infants can trigger Type 1 Diabetes.

And let us not forget the ick factor. Dairy cows are given a hormone to stimulate a higher than normal milk production. Unfortunately this results in an infection in the udders, which is treated with antibiotics, which leads to the breeding of more antibiotic resistant organisms. The end result is that pus ends up in the milk, even after it has been pasteurized.

If you are convinced, then you will have two questions for me. The most important is where will you get your calcium? Easy.

Dark leafy greens like kale, arugula (rocket) and collards; Chinese vegetables like pak choi or red leaf cabbage; tofu contains up to 35% per 100grams; okra, broccoli, green beans and almonds are all good sources of calcium just to name a few. Where do you think the cows get it???

Second question. What are the substitutes for dairy?

Soy milk. Rice milk. Almond milk. Macadamia milk. Take your pick. These are available at almost all supermarkets these days, and you can even make your own. They serve the same purpose as cows’ milk. Minus the torture, rape and murder. Most supermarkets also have a dairy free cheese option for any cheesies, like me 🙂

Consider this – humans are the only animals who believe they need to drink the milk of another animal to survive. C’mon, if sturdy animals like elephants, cows and rhinos can survive without, then so can you! Think of all the little lives you’d be saving, and any excuses you might have will dissipate.

Don’t believe me? Have a look at the websites listed below and do the research for yourself. At the very least, educate yourself and get the truth, which is what you’re entitled to. I had planned to go vegan on a certain date, and after looking at a few websites, I converted instantly, without question and I’ve not looked back since.

Do you condone the acts of torture, kidnapping, rape or murder? No? Well, when you are enjoying a beef burger, a grilled cheese sandwich, an ice cream, or even your favorite cereal, YOU ARE. Can you equate that chocolate with the cream filled centre that you love so, to the life of a sentient being?

“Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures. ~Thomas de Quincey”






